
comp 491: report | conclusion


This project, while it only consisted of ek$iAPI, had started as an exercise in C#, not thinking that a senior design project could be based on it. The source of inspiration for this graph visualization application was the Skitter(*) project which also featured a circular graph, but laid out in a completely different fashion.

After making the decision of doing this project, a tremendous amount of effort was expended to complete it. However, even more could have been expended for a total fulfillment. Quoting from the Preliminary Report:

Scope: A detailed inspection of Ekşi Sözlük data in the form of a digraph as a way of representation, with some simple algorithms employed for coming up with the digraph. Extensions, such as marking the titles one specific suser has written, finding cycles of association or creating timelines (or a histogram) of activity for a specific title can also be implemented.”

“The latter and final step is to design and implement the graphing tool which will work on the extracted data. This tool will make use of some simple algorithms or checks. Some are:
  • Checking the number of entries under a destination title before assigning a connection between two nodes depicting titles. This will be necessary, as links sometimes are used for other purposes by susers, such as emphasizing a part of the entry. Also, some links point to non-existent titles which should be eliminated.
  • Possibly, a node distribution algorithm, so that no node of the graph overlaps with another to allow clarity of presentation.”

The prime objective of the project can be said to be accomplished, as a digraph is generated by ek$iVista. There is a very, very simple algorithm to come up with the digraph; no need was seen for checking the number of entries under a destination title as that quantity carries no importance. References pointing to single entries and clever references were left out, because the connections sought have to be between titles and clever references are generally used to make remarks about a fact and carry no little referential value. The envisaged extensions that were left out in the first version of ek$iVista are implemented in the second, such as the activity histogram or a list of common titles of two arbitrary susers.

Of course, there is plenty of room for improvement. Edges or vertices could be colored according to a measure, such as the number of links from the edge, or susers in the ”yazarlar” tab could be assigned different icons according to their generations

As I stated above, this project started as a small exercise in C# language and expanded into a much bulkier one, helping me master very crucial constructs; accessing databases, acquiring data from the Internet, working with basic graphics, using proprietary packages and many other skills.

Hoping that somebody comes up with a programming language exercise that also improves one’s time management skills…

K. Egemen Şentin
27.01.2006, updated 11.02.2006

(*)Website: http://www.caida.org/analysis/topology/as_core_network/

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