The first steps leading to this project were taken in Fall 2004 semester, in MGIS 302 (Software Programming Techniques) course given by Ömer Yedekçioğlu. As the term project, I had presented a program written in Visual Basic 6 to back up Ekşi Sözlük ( entries in an HTML file, which was aimed at being a replacement for SourLemonade (, the “official” service for Ekşi Sözlük users to backup one’s own entries. The program, dubbed “ek$iBackup”, however, had no such limitation; one could backup the entries of any user (s)he wished to backup. Also, after all the entries by a particular user are scanned by ek$iBackup, it allowed viewing of entries and the titles that the entries pertain to either from the backup or directly from Ekşi Sözlük.

Fig. 1: A screenshot of ek$iBackup, upon scanning entries of user named innu
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